Welcome to 2025 USAKTI-UNIKA Atma Jaya-UNPAD-UNEJ-AIMT Spring

The International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Countries will bring together experts, scholars, and enthusiasts from diverse fields to discuss the best strategies for achieving the SDGs by 2030 and identify the challenges and opportunities faced by developing countries in this effort.


Universitas Trisakti (USAKTI) is Indonesia's largest private university in Jakarta, Indonesia. It is the only private university in Indonesia that was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Founded on 29 November 1965, the university has more than 20,000 active students and has produced more than 100,000 alumni. USAKTI currently employs 742 tenured faculty members (82%) and 160 part-time lecturers (18%).

There were originally five faculties at USAKTI: Faculty of Engineering with five departments (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering Architecture, and Fine Arts); Faculty of Dentistry; Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Economics with two subjects (Economics and Accounting); Faculty of Law and Knowledge Society. Since 1980, several additional faculties have been established to cope with fast technological development in Indonesia. The university currently has nine faculties.

The Trisakti shootings (Indonesian: Tragedi Trisakti, literally "Trisakti Tragedy") occurred at USAKTI on 12 May 1998. At a demonstration demanding President Suharto's resignation, soldiers opened fire on unarmed protestors. Four students were killed and dozens more were injured. The shootings contributed to widespread student unrest and rioting during the Indonesian Revolution of 1998, which led to the resignation of President Suharto.

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was established by the end of 1965. At the beginning of its establishment, it had only one study program, namely the Corporate Economics Study Program. During the leadership of Drs. Hariry Hadi as the first Dean (1965-1968) began to make improvements, both in the field of organization, teaching staff, administrative staff, and especially in the field of facilities and infrastructure. The Corporate Economics Study Program was upgraded to “Recognized” through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 51/1966 dated July 14, 1966. Recently, Prof. Yolanda Masnita Siagian, MM became the Dean of FEB USAKTI for 2020 – 2025. At the beginning of her leadership, FEB USAKTI received QS Stars 3 Certification.

The Bachelor of Development Economics Study Program also received international AUN-QA certification, and the Accounting Masters Study Program received ISO 9100-2015. FEB Usakti also extended the Accreditation of Master of Accounting Study Programs (Maksi), Accountant Profession (PPA), and D3 MICE. In July 2021 FEB Usakti received an Indonesian Student Micro Credential grant (KMMI). To respond to industry needs and developments in environmental conditions, a policy was formulated to implement the Free Learning curriculum – Independent Campus, and carry out the process of teaching and learning activities online/online in the 2020/2021 academic year and also in the upcoming 2021/2022 academic year.

The Center for Industry, SME and Business Competition Studies was formed in 2000 and several years later published a quarterly international journal on SME and Business Sustainability. The focus of the Center's activities is conducting research or studies on the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises, industrialization processes, and market competition. Apart from that, this Center has also formed the Global Association for MSMEs and SDGs Research in Developing Countries, which to date has members from more than 70 universities from many countries in the world.

About AIMT and GKF

The Global Knowledge Foundation (GKF) USA, Inc. was established in the year 2010 to operate exclusively for educational, scientific, and charitable purposes within the scope of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The GKF is being operated by scientists, academicians, innovators, creative individuals, and dedicated professionals across the globe. The mission of GKF is to radically redefine, redesign, and reorganize knowledge, research, and education under global multilateral perspectives.

American Institute of Management and Technology (AIMT) is an academic subsidiary of The Global Knowledge Foundation, USA, Inc. The AIMT has been registered with and approved by the state of North Carolina, USA. Its purpose is to provide educational opportunities by organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposia, Offering online courses as well as membership.

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Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, abbreviated as Unika Atma Jaya, is a private Catholic university in DKI Jakarta which was founded by the Atma Jaya Foundation on June 1, 1960. Unika Atma Jaya has three campus locations, namely Campus 1 in Karet Semanggi, South Jakarta; Campus 2 in Pluit, North Jakarta; and Campus 3 in Cisauk, Kab. Tangerang, Banten.

Unika Atma Jaya is one of the oldest and most prestigious private higher education institutions in Indonesia. In 2019 Unika Atma Jaya received an award from the QS World University Ranking with 5 stars in the Employability, Social Responsibility category, and 4 stars for Inclusiveness. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Unika Atma Jaya received 5 stars in Online Learning. This proves the motto "Trusted in the Quality of Graduates" and the KUPP Values that are lived at Unika Atma Jaya.

Since 2008 until now Unika Atma Jaya has carried out reforms in the academic and non-academic fields, including efforts to increase the number of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, building a new campus in the Banten area, and policies to improve the quality of Unika Atma Jaya's human resources.

Now, Unika Atma Jaya has eight faculties with 20 study programs for undergraduate programs (S1) and Postgraduate Programs with 14 master's programs: Master of Management (MM) and Master of Applied Linguistics in English (LTBI) in 1992 and one doctoral program in Linguistics Applied English (LTBI) in 2002/2003. The Faculty of Economics (FE) was founded in 1960 and became the Faculty of Economics and Business. It has four study programs, i.e. Management Study Program Accounting Study Program, Development Economics Study Program Accounting Professional Education Study Program (PPAk)

Universitas Negeri Padjadjaran, also known as UNPAD, is a well-respected public/state university in West Java, Indonesia. It was founded in 1957 in Bandung, a lively city in West Java. The university is named after the Kingdom of Padjajaran, which existed from 1473 to 1513 and was led by Prabu Siliwangi. UNPAD is highly regarded and has received the highest accreditation as an “Accredited Institution with A Rating” from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. It is a popular choice for students applying to public universities in Indonesia. Over the years, UNPAD has grown from having four faculties to its present 16 faculties and postgraduate schools, offering a wide variety of academic programs.

The university has a clear vision and mission. It aims to become a globally recognized university that has a positive impact on society, following the Fundamental Scientific Pattern of “Nurturing Noble Law and the Environment in National Development.” UNPAD believes in being a university that positively impacts society. It emphasizes quality education, equal access to education, support for the legal system and environmental preservation, contributing to economic growth, ensuring social security, and preserving cultural heritage. By living up to these ideals, UNPAD aims to maintain its reputation as a respected institution internationally while ensuring the quality of teaching, research, and community engagement. With its rich history, diverse academic offerings, and commitment to societal well-being, UNPAD continues to play a significant role in the education landscape of Indonesia.

UNPAD's Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was established based on Government Regulation no. 37 dated 18 September 1957 concerning the stablishment of Unpad. This regulation came into effect on 11 September 1957. FEB Unpad originated from Merdeka University under the auspices of the Merdeka University Bandung Foundation which was founded in 1952 and later became Padjadjaran University in 1957 with its chairman, Prof. Mr R. Iwa Kusumasumantri and Mr. Achmad Sanusi as secretary. Initially, FEB was called the Faculty of Economics and was later changed to FEB to make this faculty an international standard management and business school, in line with Unpad's goal of becoming a world-class university. The name "Faculty of Economics and Business" was approved on August 26, 2011, following Unpad Chancellor's Decree Number 4196/UN6.RKT/HK/2011. Currently, FEB Unpad has become one of Indonesia's leading faculties in economics and business education. This faculty offers 18 accredited programs, ranging from Vocational Programs to Doctoral programs. There are 4 Vocational Programs, 5 Bachelor's programs, 6 Master's programs, and 3 Doctoral programs on offer, with various fields of study ranging from economics and accounting to marketing, business, and management. This faculty also runs a Professional Accounting Program, as part of the requirements to become a professional licensed accountant in Indonesia.

The origin of Jember University came from the idea of Dr. R. Achmad together with R. Th. Soengedi and R. M. Soerachman who dream of establishing a university in Jember. To realize these ideals, on April 1 1957, the three of them formed a committee called the Triumviraat Committee with the chairmanship of Dr. R. Achmad; Author R. Th. Soengedi, and Treasurer R. M. Soerachman. Furthermore, the Triumviraat Committee on October 5 1957 formed a foundation with the name Tawang Alun University Foundation (ratified by Notarial Deed dated March 8 1958 Number 13 in Jember). The Tawang Alun University Foundation later founded a private university in Jember with the name Tawang Alun University, which was later abbreviated as UNITA.

During their journey, the three figures received the full support of the Regent of Jember at that time, R.Soedjarwo. Based on PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 151 of 1964 dated 9 November 1964, concerning the establishment of the State University in Jember. Tireless efforts since 1957 finally succeeded in becoming a reality, and Djember State University was established! At its inception in 1964, Djember State University, abbreviated as UNED, had five faculties, consisting of the Faculty of Law in Jember, with its branch in Banyuwangi, the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs, and the Faculty of Agriculture in Jember, the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Letters in Banyuwangi. The first rector was held by Dr. R. Achmad. Leadership Dr. R. Achmad continued by Lt. Col. R. Winoto (1966-1967), Lt. Col. Soedi Harjohoedojo (1967-1969), Lt. Col. Soetardjo, SH (1969-1978) and Col. Drs. H. R. Warsito (1978-1986).

When it was founded in 1964, Jember University had five faculties, consisting of the Faculty of Law in Jember, with its branch in Banyuwangi, the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs and the Faculty of Agriculture in Jember, then the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Letters in Banyuwangi. After more than 50 years of providing higher-level education, Jember University now has 15 faculties that provide Diploma and Bachelor level education programs, as well as Postgraduate programs that oversee more than 100 study programs.

Only since 1986, the chancellor of Jember University has been held by its academic community, namely Prof. Dr. Simanhadi Widyaprakosa (1986-1995), Prof. Dr. Kabul Santoso, MS (1995-2003), Dr. Ir. T. Sutikto, MSc (2003- 2011), Drs. Moh. Hasan, MSc Ph.D. (2012-2020) and Dr. Ir. Iwan Taruna, M.Eng. (2020 to present)

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